Sensa Based on Faulty Science

The FTC just ordered Sensa Products to return $26.5 million dollars to consumers since the company used faulty science in order to market their weight loss supplement to the public.  Sensa is a powder that you sprinkle on your food; the company claimed it was a safe and effective weight loss tool based on 25 years of scientific research on the science of smell and taste.Sensa was supposed to work by enhancing the aroma of the food in each bite thereby activating the part of the brain that regulates appetite and making you to feel full faster. This would then cause you to eat less and lose weight.Sensa is not admitting wrongful conduct for deceptive advertising. But the company did state that it would change its advertising campaign to complywith the FTC.Just remember that there is no quick fix and no substitute for a proper diet and exercise. If it seems too easy, it probably doesn't work!!!


Drink Water!


Holiday Weight Gain is Stubborn