Supplement of the Month: Coconut Water

What is coconut water and where is it found?

Coconut water comes from the clear liquid in the center of immature, green coconuts. It is not the same thing as coconut milk, which is made from the meat of mature coconuts. Coconut water is low in calories, and it is naturally fat-free and cholesterol free. Additionally, it contains potassium, sodium, magnesium, chloride, calcium, and glucose, and can be used to treat dehydration because of its high electrolyte content. When buying coconut milk, make sure to look at the nutrition label and ingredients. To get the best quality, avoid buying products made from concentrate, ones that have added natural flavors and sweeteners, and those pasteurized with heat..

What are the benefits?

Coconut water is used for hydration after physical activity. It is also used to treat diarrhea. Some people drink coconut water to lower blood pressure.

Are there interactions with food or medications?

Since coconut water may lower blood pressure, consult a doctor if you are taking anti-hypertensive medications or herbal supplements.. 

Are there side effects?

No known side effects noted


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