Can Sleep Affect Your Heart?

Sleep quality and sleep duration has long been known to affect various aspects of health. Disruptions in sleep can affect your circadian rhythm, which is an internal process that regulates the 24-hour sleep-wake cycle and is responsible for important body functions and processes, including hunger, digestion, body temperature and mood. A new study showed even more evidence that poor sleep habits can also impact cardiovascular health.

The cardiovascular system, including heart rate and blood pressure, is regulated by circadian rhythms, so when there is more sleep irregularity and a disturbance in the rhythm, there is an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Additionally, poor sleep can cause inflammation and increase C-reactive protein, which also negatively effects the system. Lastly, your cortisol and stress hormones increase when you sleep poorly, which also may impact the heart.

This is just another reason to make sure that you get adequate uninterrupted sleep. Sleep in a dark room and turn off bluelight screens. Go to sleep at the same time daily and wake up at the same time. Supplements like magnesium, theanine, melatonin, and phosphyditylserine can also help with sleep issues.


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