Sitting Shortens Life

It is common knowledge that physical activity and a good diet increase life expectancy, and there are many studies and articles advocating exercising and starting a better lifestyle. While daily exercise is certainly important, new research shows that sitting for extended periods of time during the day has a negative impact on health, even when you exercise regularly.A new study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that sitting for long periods of time raised the average risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and early death, even for those people who engage in regular physical activity. Every day, we sit to drive, to watch television, to eat, and unfortunately, most of us sit all day at work.  In fact, Americans probably spend half of their waking life sitting! The risk is  higher for those individuals with lower levels of physical activity, so it is important to continue your exercise routine.Sitting is inevitable, so make sure to get up and take breaks at work, and try  to stretch and walk around during TV commercials. And of course, exercise regularly no matter what you do the rest of the day. It will help lower your risk of diseases and premature death.


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