The problem with plastics

Plastic bags, containers, etc. are very convenient, however, this does not mean that the using plastic products is good for you. Plastic products contain chemical additives that have been associated with many health issues, including hormone-related cancers, infertility, and autism. 

Plastics surround us in our daily life and are harmful for both the human body and the environment. They cannot be easily broken down or biodegradable, and they can attract different microorganism’s including harmful bacterias which can further impact humans. Because they do not easily degrade, they can break into pieces called microplastics, which are plastic particles that are less than five millimeters. They have been found consumer products such as including seafood, cosmetics, clothing, beer, water, etc.

Ingesting microplastics has been shown to be toxic to the brain, liver, lungs and gut since they are further broken down and can pass through the placenta and blood brain barrier. They can trigger inflammation, infertility, hormone imbalance, problems with nutrient absorption, issues with blood pressure and metabolism.

To help our bodies and the environment, stop using water bottles and filter your water and avoid buying plastic items.


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