Are Heavy Metals Harming Me?

Heavy metal poisoning or heavy metal toxicity is becoming a problem in our modern polluted world. Potentially harmful metals include mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium, nickel, aluminum, uranium and thallium. Long-term exposure to these environmental metals contribute to chronic diseases and cause physical, muscular and neurological degeneration.Heavy metals originate from dental fillings, our water supply and food system, pesticides, herbicides, and household products, to name a few. Once theses metals enter the body, they can be stored in the body for years.Some of the symptoms associated with heavy metal toxicity are chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, anemia, brain fog, autoimmune disease, digestive issues, chronic aches and pains, insomnia, dementia, weakness, poor recovery from exercise.If heavy metal poisoning is suspected, a detox diet is recommended. It is also important to avoid GMOs and farmed raised fish, choose organic produce and alcohol. Drink plenty of water, choose leafy greens, foods high in vitamin C, bone broth, flax and chia seeds and garlic. Support the liver with milk thistle, glutathione and chlorella along with activated charcoal. or bentonite clay


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