Hypertension Tips

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, affects about 45% of the adults in the United States. Hypertension is defined as  blood pressure at or above 130/80 mm Hg. Stage 2 hypertension is at or above 140/90. High blood pressure is a risk factor for both heart disease and stroke.Hypertension  can be a silent disease without many symptoms. Warning signs include chest pains, confusion, headaches, nosebleeds, vision changes, and lethargy. Many of the risk factors associated with high blood pressure are related to lifestyle choices. Some of these  include inactivity, stress, tobacco use, too much alcohol, being overweight, high sodium and too little potassium in the diet.To better control blood pressure, stop smoking, start exercising and reduce alcohol intake. Model your diet after the Mediterranean diet with an abundance of fruit and vegetables and healthy fats. Additionally,  avoid high sodium foods, sugar, and trans fats, and include omega-3 fatty acids and high potassium foods. As far as supplements, apple cider vinegar has been shown to decrease blood pressure as well as magnesium, fish oil, garlic and CoQ10. 


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