Are You Stressed and Tired?

Stress effects every part of our body. When we are stressed, our cortisol and blood sugar both increase. This effects thyroid function and causes fatigue by inhibiting the release of TSH and blocking the conversion of T4 to T3. Basically, our overactive adrenals suppress the function of thyroid hormones. Over time, as stress remains chronic, the adrenals becomes overburdened and have a hard time producing cortisol. This then decreases the amount of cortisol in the body and further depresses thyroid function, creating even more fatigue.To combat stress, we can support the adrenals with adaptogenic herbs, such as ashwaghanda, rhodiola, ginseng, reishi, cordyceps and holy basil. Other supplements that help the stress response are theanine, licorice, B vitamins, vitamin C, and phosphatidylserine.Lifestyle changes are also important to improve the stress response. It is important to eliminate sugar and processed food. Proper rest is essential for healing as is plenty of mineralized water. Also, try to eat a breakfast that contains protein and good quality carbs to prevent exhaustion in the afternoon.


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