Could Low Blood Sugar Be a Problem?

Blood sugar balance is an important part of mood and weight control.  Low blood sugar is often overlooked and is often related to neurotransmitter issues and anxiety.  The most common type of low blood sugar is called reactive hypoglycemia. This usually occurs 3-5 hours after eating a starchy high carbohydrate meal or sugar. This also may occur after drinking alcohol.Some symptoms of low blood sugar levels include: being nervous, agitated or easily upset,  feeling irritable and shaky, and suffering from poor memory and concentration. Additionally, it is common to crave sugar or alcohol and have intense sweet cravings. Often people with low blood sugar are lightheaded when they skip meals and find that they feel less fatigued after they eat.To  combat low blood sugar, it is important not to skip meals and to snack if there are long periods of time between meals. Include a protein, fat and starch  at each meal.  High fiber foods and healthy fats can help manage hypoglycemia.  Foods that should be decreased include caffeine, alcohol, empty calories, added sugars and sweet drinks, fast food, and packaged and refined foods.With anxiety and low blood sugar, breakfast is extremely important, and is is vital that you eat breakfast within one hour of waking up. Intermittent fasting does not work for those with low blood sugar or anxiety. As far as supplements, glutamine, zinc and chromium have all been show to stabilize blood sugar and prevent sweet cravings.      


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