Mindful Eating this Holiday Season

The holiday season is approaching, and with it a chance to see family and friends while eating, drinking and enjoying life as our world starts to look and feel more normal. This can be a stressful time for many people both mentally and physically, and often weight gain occurs.Part of life is enjoying your food and your social situations, and it is my personal belief that you should enjoy your holiday favorites. Eating becomes an issue when the holidays turn into a 6 week holiday season instead of just a day or two. To help  keep you focused on eating well and preventing weight gain, mindful eating techniques can be extremely helpful.First, when eating rate your hunger. You should not eat if you feel stuffed. Ideally, you should consume food when your hunger level is a 6 or 7 out of 10.  Next, watch your portion sizes and avoid taking second helpings. When at a party, if possible don't pick all afternoon or graze. This can cause overconsumption of food since you are not always aware of how much you are eating. Drink adequate water, especially if drinking alcohol.  Lastly, eat slowly. It is not a race and you will enjoy your meal more if you savor every bite and enjoy the holiday as a social experience with family and friends.  


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