Craving Chocolate?

Chocolate cravings are a common issues for those watching their calories, especially for women before or after their menstrual cycle. Often, specific cravings indicate a deficiency in a nutrient. Research shows that chocolate cravings may be linked to a deficiency in magnesium or an  indicator that your body needs sugar.Chocolate cravings can indicate that you are hungry,  and the body often craves simple carbohydrates when it feels hunger pangs. However, having a craving is not the same as being hungry. The urgency to eat a specific food  is often psychological and occurs due to habit.To combat the urge for chocolate, first, start with mindful eating and rate your hunger to determine if you actually need food. If you are actually hungry, mindfully choose something other than chocolate. Eating anything with carbohydrates should quell the need to eat. If you mindfully that you aren't hungry, try to increase the magnesium in your diet. Foods high in magnesium include spinach, almonds, cashews, avocados.  Magnesium supplement may be also be needed.If you absolutely need to eat chocolate, choose chocolate high cacao - at least 70% cacao. This type of chocolate is lower in sugar and higher in antioxidants. Dr. Weill even has dark chocolate on his anti-inflammatory pyramid.


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