Do I Need a Multivitamin?

One of the most popular supplements on the market is the multivitamin,  a pill that contains  various vitamins, minerals, and sometimes herbs. The label of a  multivitamin shows the daily value of the RDA, which is the amount the US has determined to be sufficient to meet the nutrient requirements of nearly all (97%-98%) healthy people. The question becomes, can we meet all of our needs through food alone? Or is it important to take a multi?For various reasons, I believe it is important to take a multivitamin. First, over the last century, the amount of nutrients in our food has decreased due to soil depletion as a result farming techniques. Additionally,  most of our food is not locally grown, which affects its quality. Fruits and vegetables start losing nutrients within 24 hours of being harvested, so the further the distance produce has to travel, the less vitamins and minerals they contain. Light and temperature also affect quality, and exposure to cold temperatures in trucking decreases the potency. Additionally, fruit is usually picked before it is ripe, and ripe fruit has many more vitamins and phytonutrients than unripe.More importantly, most people do not eat an adequate diet, filled with fresh vegetables and fruits. Instead, our homes are filled with packaged and processed goods that are devoid of nutrients and have tons of chemicals and additives. So most likely, you do not ingest all of the nutrients needed.Of course, I advocate for an increase in vegetables and fruit and a a decrease in sugar and processed food. But I also believe the extra benefit of a multivitamin can only improve our chances for better health.    


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