Should I test my mercury?

Mercury is a type of toxic metal found in some foods, especially fish and seafood. It can also be found in old paints and some dental work, such as amalgam fillings. Consuming too much seafood is the most common cause of mercury poisoning, which can have serious consequences to the nervous system. Some herbal supplements made outside the USA have also been shown to contain mercury.

Some symptoms of mercury poisoning include headaches, muscle weakness, sleeping issues, increased and more irritable mood swings, fatigue, cognitive loss, and sometimes even death. Severe nervous system issues include nerve pain and neurological damage. It can also affect the cardiovascular system and cause high blood pressure. Long term affects of mercury poisoning are more serious and damaging than short term effects. Additionally, symptoms will be much more prevalent in a child than in an adult.

Mercury poisoning is usually reversible for most adults- as the body can get rid of it on its own if you stop the exposure to mercury. You can stop exposure to mercury by stopping seafood consumption, and get new dental fillings if yours contain mercury. It takes a long time for the body to rid itself of mercury, sometimes up to a year, since the mercury is stored in our cells

Besides avoiding fish, especially tuna and swordfish, it may help to increase your intake of vitamin C, leafy greens and cilantro. Additionally milk thistle and glutathione help with detoxification. Regular bowel movements are extremely important, so ensuring adequate water, fiber and probiotics is important for regularity. Chelation therapy is another option to decrease mercury levels.

If you experience any kind of nerve pain that cannot be diagnosed, having your mercury levels checked is a good idea.


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