Test Your Inflammation

C-reactive protein (CRP) is a protein primarily produced by the liver when there is inflammation in the body. It increases when the body senses a threat, injury or inflammation. Some possible causes of inflammation may be bacterial, fungal or viral infections, autoimmune conditions, obesity, pregnancy, food allergies, diabetes, alcohol and cigarette abuse or sedentary behavior. Often, high CRP can indicate cardiac issues, such as inflammation of the arteries, which may lead to heart attack or stroke.

Lab tests indicate that under 10 mg/L is a normal CRP. However, many studies show that anything above a 2.0 may actually indicate a problem, especially a cardiac issue. If your CRP is high, further testing is needed to see the cause of the inflammation.

If your CRP is high, eat an anti-inflammatory diet with foods high in antioxidants, get enough sleep and exercise regularly.


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