The Buzz About Colostrum

Most of us are familiar with colostrum, which is the milky fluid produced right after birth before mature breast milk. Colostrum has been shown to be extremely important for newborn infants due its bioactive compounds which promote growth, jumpstart gut function and fight disease. Recent research has shown that adults can benefit from supplemental colostrum by strengthening immunity, improving athletic performance, fighting infection and improving gut health. It has also been shown to be effective for diarrhea.Supplemental colostrum comes from cows, and it has a similar composition to human colostrum with a multitude of vitamins, minerals, fat, carbohydrates, digestive enzymes, growth hormones, antibodies, and antimicrobial and immune factors. Specifically, bovine colostrum contains lactoferrin, immunoglobulins and growth factors which are responsible for many of its beneficial properties.Lactoferrin is a protein vital for immune function. It helps lower inflammatory cytokines and also binds to endotoxins to reduce inflammation. Additionally, it serves as a prebiotic to promote good intestinal flora while also supporting cell growth in the intestine and healing the damaged gut.Immunoglobulins are a class of proteins which function as antibodies. They support the immune system by fighting off bacteria, viruses and foreign pathogens. Growth factors are proteins that assist with the maintenance and growth of issues, including muscles and the GI tract wall.Bovine colostrum is a great supplement for those whose immune systems are suboptimal and for those with leaky gut. It is lactose free, but you should also make sure you purchase colostrum that comes from GMO grass fed, pasture raised cows who have not been given hormones or antibiotics.


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