Why Should I Avoid GMO Foods?

GMOs (genetically modified organisms)  are foods that have been engineered in a laboratory by manipulating the genetic material of living organisms into combinations that do not normally occur in nature.  These foods have become pervasive in the US with almost all corn and soybeans being genetically engineered, and with roughly 75%-80% of processed foods containing GMOs.The main concerns with genetically altered food is possible allergic reactions, toxicity, cancer, antibiotic resistance and decreased nutrients.  First, allergies can worsen because the protein in foods is being modified and the reaction to the new foreign organism is unknown. Additionally, it is unclear if the placement of the gene could add toxic elements to the food.  Next, most GMOS have been created to withstand herbicides and pesticides (herbicide resistance) and therefore have been treated with larger amounts of weed killers, like glyphosphate, which has been linked to increased risk of cancer. GMOs have also been engineered to be resistant to  antibiotics,  which may be transferred to our gut bacteria and increase antibiotic resistance. Lastly, some GMOs have  have lower nutrient content that conventional crops.The best way to ensure you are not eating GMO food is to buy organic foods and foods with certified non-GMO labels. Additionally, read processed food labels carefully. If items contain corn, gluten, fructose, dextrose, glucose, beet sugar, soy, canola or cotton, they most like have been genetically engineered and should be avoided. 


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